Feels like home
We customize comfort
We work with you to combine the textiles, products, and services you need to make every space feel like home to every patient or resident.
Guidance from start to finish
Our professionally trained design staff, product specialists, installers, and project managers are with you every step of the way.
ServicesHealthcare industry expertise
Acute or long-term care, architecture & design, specialty or laundries, we make healthcare run better.
Extensive product selection
From decorative bedding and window treatments to everything in-between, our extensive product selection fills your facility with comfort, style, and innovation.
ProductsOnline ordering
Shop our stocked products conveniently online at any time on, and dramatically cut your lead time furnishing your facility.
Partnering with Medline
We work alongside healthcare providers and their partners so that they are the preferred choice for patient care.

View our wide selection of decorative bedding, window treatments, cubicle curtains, table linens, and shower curtains.
View our products
Fabric gallery
Enhance your design with Medline patterns and colors. With NFPA 701 compliance and options for anti-microbial* features or coatings, our fabrics put extra focus on patient care.
See our fabricsProducts
View our wide selection of decorative bedding, window treatments, cubicle curtains, table linens, and shower curtains.
View our productsFabric gallery
Enhance your design with Medline patterns and colors. With NFPA 701 compliance and options for anti-microbial* features or coatings, our fabrics put extra focus on patient care.
See our fabrics